Week 11 Announcement
A large herd of elk back dropped by the dune field at the Great Sand Dunes National Park. Photo by NPS Ranger Myers, March 27, 2019.
Welcome to Week 11 of the spring semester! Also, welcome to April! This evening Counselor Dave and I will be holding our enrollment lottery for next year. If anyone's friends have been eagerly awaiting news about enrollment, the time is near (this week I hope to contact all lottery applicants and let everyone know who was chosen, who was not, and who will be on our wait-list with a good chance of being offered a seat in the next month).
Third quarter progress reports will be mailed out today. Please be on the lookout for these arriving this week.
9th, 10th, and 11th graders taking the PSAT and SAT will be taking these assessments next week (Counselor Dave should have already contacted everyone regarding the PSAT and SAT details).
4th - 8th graders taking CMAS, please see below and/or take a look at the PDF that gives the overview of the assessment dates and locations around the state. This week, Dave will contact everyone with the details of what time to show up and which room each test will be assigned.
Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding as Dave worked out the last of the testing scheduling details.
Have a great week! -Mr. Wright
[Week 11 Video Announcement]