Testing season is ramping up. As you can see on your weekly calendar that was shared on Moodle at the beginning of the semester, NWEA week is upon us. NWEA tests will begin next week on Tuesday, March 4th.
Tomorrow (2/27/25), you will receive an information email from Mr. Huff about NWEA Testing next week. Mr. Huff will be your test administrator next week and will have the test open each day from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. (You will need to log on each day by 12:30 p.m.) Testing should take around an hour to complete each day and can be accessed anytime during those hours.
Here is the rundown -
- Tuesday, March 4th, anytime between 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Reading)
- Wednesday, March 5th, anytime between 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Math)
- Thursday, March 6th, anytime between 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Science)
What to expect:
Mr. Huff will email you a link, session name, and passcode to each test before the test session begins each day; you can access the test anytime after that up through 1 p.m. (the test must be started by 12:30 pm and can go past 1 p.m. but if your test is paused due to rapid guessing, it cannot be reset until the next school day).
Students usually spend about one hour on each test. It's okay to spend more or less time as needed. Rapid guessing closes the test and you have to wait for it to be re-opened by a test administrator.
This is a required assessment for all MVOLA and DELTA students.
To access the test, you will follow the link provided by Mr. Huff before testing.
NWEA is an adaptive assessment, which means the test is designed to tailor the level of difficulty based on previous correct and incorrect answers. The test will continue to change throughout the assessment. Please do not be alarmed if you answer test questions incorrectly because you do not know, but make sure you aren't just guessing to complete the test. The information we gather from this test is important in shaping our school and the curriculum we use.
**Parents, it is expected that students are not able to answer some questions correctly, so please do not help them with the test. For more information about NWEA, please visit our test information page here.**
Thank you for all you do to make our school great! If you have questions or concerns about NWEA testing, please reach out to the school at 719-852-2212 or Mr. Atencio at adamza@monte.k12.co.us.
Mr. Atencio