Welcome to Week 13 of our 2019 Spring Term!
Sunrise on Little Bear Peak and Blanca Peak. Pic by Leland Dirks, from near Ft. Garland, April 21, 2019.
Welcome to the start of Week 13 of our spring semester! Including this week, we have only 5 more weeks of school for this academic year.
A HUGE SHOUT OUT to all students who tested these last two weeks. The students I tested, and those I saw testing as I walked passed classrooms were all working VERY hard, and I could tell were putting forth their best effort! Remember that regardless of your scores, on behalf of the OLA staff, we are so PROUD of everyone, and please take a little time to celebrate putting forth your best effort. OLA staff use the data to look for any gaps in our curriculum (and to keep the state happy), so remember that your data is looked at as part of a group, and not to make judgments about individuals. THANK YOU!
For students who didn't test, as I perused the Moodle logs this morning, I can tell that the vast majority of you used the time very wisely to either catch-up on work or get ahead! Kudos to you all too! Thank you for using the time wisely, as well as exercising your right to opt out. On behalf of the OLA staff, we're very proud of all our students whether they tested or not.
This week I will send out information regarding our summer program. Last week I finalized the planning, hired the necessary instructors/staff, and was able to create our course offerings list. For this year's 7th through 12th grade OLA students, just like last summer, Mr. Haddican will be teaching all the humanities classes (English and Social Studies), and Ms. Moore will be teaching the STEM classes (Science and Mathematics).
I'm also working with the new Director, Mrs. Sparks-Johnson, to produce a brief introduction video and autobiographical paragraph. We're both looking forward to sharing that with everyone soon!
Have a great week!
-Mr. Wright