Galileo Galilei
Greetings OLA & DELTA Parents and Students,
This week students should have received an email telling them about our school district’s Galileo testing, as well as instructions (which are also available below) on how parents can observe and administer the test. This is just a start of the year pretest so we can monitor student growth in three subjects: math, English, and science. There is no passing or failing these assessments. Take them seriously and give them your best effort, but do not have any anxiety over them. The results of these tests are not used to judge or track students, they are used to look for patterns indicating gaps in curriculum, and in the evaluation process of teachers. Below are the instructions I sent out.
Instructions for Galileo Testing for Parents
Have your student go to
Students log in through the “K-12 Student-Parent Center”, which is located at the top right corner of the web page under the “Sign In” tab. If you click the tab it will show your student a drop down menu.
Have your student log-in with their usernames and passwords. (Username is your student’s full school email address, and the password is: pirates. The password is all lower case)
Under “Class Information” you will see your student’s name. You can choose any class in the drop down bar. (All classes will specify OLA or Delta, please make sure your student chooses the appropriate class).
Next, have your student take the appropriate test listed on their testing sheet. To take the test they simply click on the link. (Each test will have the appropriate name in the title, either reading, math, or science).
If anyone has any questions, please let me know. Calling is great, but email might be a bit faster.
Have fun Galileo’ing!
Counselor Dave