The October Count Period is very important. This is what finalizes online student enrollment with the state (and provides schools with the revenue to operate).
Please read this entire announcement carefully.
September 25 - October 4. Students need to log in and work in each class, each school day during this period. Students do not need to work on weekends.
October 2. *** Students need to log in and work in each class this day. *** This is the single most important day of the count period. Please do not be absent from working in each class this day or the school risks not receiving any revenue to provide an education for that student. At a minimum, please complete core class activity journals Monday, October 2, 2017.
October 3 - October 6. Students need to log in and work in each class, each school day during this period. Students do not need to work on weekends.
Activity Journals. Each core class (English, social studies, math, science) will have an Activity Journal on the class home page or on the Week 6 and Week 7 tabs. On each school day of the count period, students need to open the journal and write one or two sentences about what they did for that class that day (even if it's an entry like, "Could not work on this assignment today, I will complete it in the future." This journaling does not take long, but provides very important documentation to support the count process. If a student doesn't work in a particular class that day (suppose it's Thursday and the student already finished English for the week, or the student did Galileo testing for that subject that day), then the student still needs to write in the journal that day a quick explanation of why they didn't work on that class, "Did Galileo testing."
Meeting these requirement confirms your enrollment in OLA, and it supports our ability to offer the OLA school and program as a unique educational option for students.
Thank you very much in advance for helping ensure the count requirements are met. Please call us if you have any questions.
Mr. Wright