Hi Students,
The Galileo Testing Window has been extended through Thursday, May 19. If you haven't yet completed testing, please do so. This testing is very important to us because it allows to see how much each student grew over the year. We use this information to determine program strengths and to guide us in program improvement.
Students who have been with us since the fall should have received a letter about the testing (if you joined us second semester, you don't need to take this assessment).
If you have any questions about the testing please contact Ms. Ianson at shaunami@monte.k12.co.us or 719.852.2212. Remember, students who take the test according the proctor directions sent to parents and demonstrate a year's growth or more in a content area on this assessment, will receive a 10% grade bump for their final semester grade in that content area (that's one letter grade for any passing grade).