Hello MVOLA Juniors!
This weekend is the first of the 2023 SAT test dates. The SAT will be administered on March 11th, May 6th, and June 3rd. If you have not registered for one of these dates yet, it is not too late. You can still register for the May and June dates.
There is a portion of the test where you are allowed to use a calculator. Here are some rules from College Board for calculator use:
Calculator Rules
Bring your own calculator. You can’t share one.
You can only use your calculator on the portion of the test labeled Math Test – Calculator.
You may not use a calculator while working on the Math Test – No Calculator portions, or during the Reading and Writing and Language sections. You must put the calculator away during these sections of the test.
You'll be dismissed and your scores canceled if you use your calculator to share information during the test, or to remove test questions or answers from the test room.
There are lots of graphing calculators out there. If you would like more information or help with using your specific calculator, please reach out to Mr. Atencio or Mrs. Gibbs, who are happy to send you additional information.
We are wishing you all the best during this testing season!