
Week 5

Week 5

by Rebekah Johnson -
Number of replies: 0

This is already the start of week 5 which means we are more than ½ way through the first quarter. 

I hope you are enjoying the warm weather we are still having. Last year at this time we were cleaning up and recovering from an unseasonably early winter storm.

Thank you to all of you who participated in NWEA so far this year. Counselor Dave will be reaching out to you with makeup dates for the testing. This test is required for all students in Monte Vista School District. We use the data from this test to assure our online program is meeting the needs of our students to adequately show growth. Please contact Counselor Dave with any questions regarding this assessment. Again, thank you for your participation.

Keep working hard. Remember, as teachers are entering zeros for late work, you can always make up the missing assignments. Email your teachers if you have questions.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Johnson