Good afternoon students and parents.
Testing season is upon us and I have some important dates and times to discuss with all of you. For now this announcement only involves 9th, 10th & 11th grade students.
As was sent out earlier by Mrs. Johnson, testing for the PSAT 9, 10 & SAT will be held here in Monte Vista. Please look for the appropriate test for the date.
For all 3 tests you will be expected to be here at 345 E Prospect Ave no later than 7:45. Please bring a water bottle with you. below are the dates each test will be held.
April 13 - SAT test day
April 14 - PSAT 9 test day
April 15 - PSAT 10 test day
April 27 - SAT Make Up day
April 28 - PSAT 9 Make Up day
April 29 - PSAT 10 Make Up day
For CMAS testing I will have an update later this week. If you have any questions, call or email Counselor Dave.