Good Morning Monte Vista On-Line Academy students.
Welcome to week 11 and the third week in the second quarter!
Thank you for allowing us at MVOLA to be part of your academic success. Progress Reports for the first quarter were mailed out Friday, 10/25/19. We are so proud of the hard work that was reflected in these Progress Reports. A Probation Letter was included in the mailing for students who are demonstrating that our online learning program may not be an appropriate fit. Student’s who are not engaging with the curriculum and failing more than two core classes received this letter of explanation.
Your long term success is important to us. A successful online environment requires a partnership between the families and the school.
As you know, our school also serves as an alternative high school, Byron Syring Delta Center. We will be having parent teacher conferences for Byron Syring Delta Center on Wednesday, October 30, from 4:30-7:30 pm. If you are a local family, please feel free to attend these conferences for your MVOLA student as well.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Johnson