Welcome back from spring break. I hope everyone had some time to relax, recharge, and recover from the blizzard the week before!
This is the beginning of Week 10 of the semester. Today, teachers will be submitting third quarter grades, and those of us on the admin team will be hustling to get progress reports in the mail as soon as we can (later this week or early next week). From a quick overview, I am so proud of everyone, and I hope families celebrate the high grades reflecting such awesome effort and achievement.
Please notify the school by the end of this week if you intend to return to OLA next year, or if you intend to withdraw and enroll in another program. We are holding our enrollment lottery next Monday, April 1st, so it is extremely helpful to us to know how many seats will be open for new students. Thank you!
I'm excited to announce that OLA's new director is currently an instructional coach with the Monte Vista School District. Mrs. Rebekah Sparks has several years experience providing all the teachers of our district, from the elementary level to the high school level, with instructional coaching specifically related to mathematics. I am very excited because I believe Mrs. Sparks is one of the most positive, effective, outstanding educational leaders I've worked with. I'm going to let her introduce herself in more detail, but I'm very excited about OLA's future!
Lastly, Counselor Dave is finalizing all the last details of this year's state assessment schedule (the details of tests, times, and locations). He should have this information out as soon as possible. As soon as he can finalize a couple last testing location reservations, that information will be shared.
Including this week, we have just 9 weeks left in this quarter. Here's to a great fourth quarter! -Mr. Wright