OLA Families,
It's already that time of the year to notify us if you are planning to enroll with us again next year, or if you plan to withdrawal and enroll with another program. The deadline to notify us is 5:00pm Friday, March 29, 2019. Because of the number of lottery applicants and need, if OLA does not receive an intent to return by the deadline, we will assume that the intent is to withdrawal, and we will open the seat for a new student next year. Please do not miss the deadline to inform us of your intent.
PDFs of these forms can be found on the Parent Resource webpage for downloading, completing, and mailing back if that's preferred. LINK
For information about our enrollment numbers, OLA caps total student seats at 130 (we like to keep our staff to student ratio as low as we can to provide as much individualization as possible). This year, currently 10 students have left us for out of state moves, enrollment with another program, etc. We are expecting another 10-15 student seats to open based on intent to return/withdrawal, so in total, we expect approximately 25 open seats for next year. Currently, we have 73 lottery applicants (and expect more to come in during the next two weeks). The enrollment lottery will occur on Monday, April 1, 2019, and as soon as I can I will contact those chosen (and not chosen) in the lottery.
For those families returning, thank you for the opportunity to continue serving you educationally; for those who will be transferring to other programs, thank you for the opportunity to have served you, and on behalf of the staff of OLA, we wish you the best in the future!
(Same info as above but given in a video format).