Sandhill Cranes flying in front of the Crestone Mountain Group. Pic by 14 y.o. Arrow Myers, March 4, 2019. Source: Audubon
Welcome to Week 9 of the Spring Semester. Hopefully everyone remembered to "spring forward" the clocks yesterday for daylight savings time (it's nice to have the extra hour of light at night, but it sure makes for a dark, rough start these first few mornings).
This is the last week of school before we go on Spring Break next week. Please remember that all work is due to teachers by 4:00pm this Thursday, March 14, 2019 (if it is to be counted for 3rd quarter progress reports).
Have a great week, and before we go on spring break, I'll share another announcement regarding spring break, 4th quarter, OLA's new director, and a link to provide OLA your intent to return next year (it's that time of year when we have to figure out how many open seats we have to offer enrollment lottery applicants). I'll provide a video announcement with this information later this week on Wednesday or Thursday.
Until the next announcement, have an excellent last week of 3rd quarter! -Mr. Wright