Almost all of Colorado's multi-district online schools encourage and support students participating in their local brick and mortar athletics, after school programs, clubs, and extra curricular activities. If students are interested in participating with local schools in extra-curriculars, OLA is very supportive of this. Although students are officially competing and representing their local brick & mortar schools, OLA is honored to celebrate student achievements and awards. Anyone participating in extra-curricular activities with their local schools, if you have an achievement you would like OLA to celebrate, please contact Counselor Dave, your online adviser, or Mr. Wright.
On behalf of the OLA staff, congratulations to OLA's Tiffany Sparrow for participating in the San Luis Valley's 70th Science Fair. This Saturday, at Adams State University, Tiffany was awarded the Middle School Computer Award for her research with programming and robotics. Congratulations Tiffany!