Welcome to Week 8 of the Fall Semester!
A dusting of snow above treeline as a backdrop to the Great Sand Dunes National Park dune field and autumn colored hardwood trees.
Pic by NPS Ranger Patrick Myers, taken in the last week.
Welcome to Week 8 of the Fall Semester! This week marks the end of the first quarter, and half-way to the end of the semester. At the end of this week, I've asked staff to submit current grades, so that next week we can print out progress reports. These progress reports will be mailed home next week or Monday the 29th, and on behalf of the staff of OLA, we ask that families please celebrate grades that represent hard work and success.
For grades that are less than ideal, OLA staff asks that families use the progress reports to reflect on what was successful as well as what may be improved to help raise grades. A gentle reminder that students who are not passing two out of their four core classes (core classes being Language Arts, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science), be aware that to re-enroll with OLA next year, at semester a minimum of two out of four cores must be passing grades.
At the end of this week, or next Monday, I will be sharing a link to a survey which OLA families can use to "grade" their teachers. If possible, students and parents, please complete this survey to help staff celebrate what they do well, as well as utilize constructive feedback to help create professional development plans and continue to grow as educators. This link will be shared over announcements later this week or early next week.
Thank you! Have a GREAT week!
-Mr. Wright