Welcome to Week 7 of the Spring 2018 Semester
*Reminder: Including this week, we have only three weeks left before the end of third quarter.
A sure sign of the changing seasons, the Sandhill Cranes have begun arriving in the San Luis Valley during their spring migration north.
Picture by Ed MacKerrow, taken at the Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge.
This week's video announcement link: [WEEK 7 Video Announcement]
Later this week, be on the lookout for a letter being mailed home including:
- A cover letter that explains the enclosed documents
- A calendar for the 2018-2019 school year
- An INTENT TO RETURN document (this document can also be completed online at: [ONLINE INTENT TO RETURN])
- For some who still need to provide it, a residential verification form for the 2017-2018 school year
- A state standardized test opt-out form
- An envelop to return paperwork
Thanks everyone who has expressed interest in OLA merchandise. Over the weekend, I received some OLA fidget spinners and OLA bumper stickers. As soon as I can, I will update our school website to include a page that offers OLA merchandise for sale. Thank you for your patience, it won't be necessary soon!