To earn your PE credit, you must log a minimum of 60 hours of parent-approved physical activity for .5 credit.

Activities you can log can be a mix of many things, such as going to the local recreation center and working out, running, skiing or snowboarding, hiking or backpacking, jogging or walking.

If you are unsure as to whether your activity qualifies, please contact the PE class instructor.

This is an introductory elective course to basic health and wellness.  In this class you will learn various ways to improve your health and achieve wellness.  We may know what a healthy life looks like but what is wellness?  Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life.  Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth for physical, mental, emotional,and social well-being.  I hope you enjoy learning how to make your life more healthy and fulfilling!

To earn your PE credit, you must log a minimum of 60 hours of parent-approved physical activity for .5 credit.

Activities you can log can be a mix of many things, such as going to the local recreation center and working out, running, skiing or snowboarding, hiking or backpacking, jogging or walking.

If you are unsure as to whether your activity qualifies, please contact the PE class instructor.