- Teacher: Jenny Noonan
- Teacher: Jenny Noonan
- Teacher: Jenny Noonan

Welcome to the 4th grade math class. You will be able to login on Odysseyware.
I am Mrs. Noonan, your 4th grade teacher.
Please feel free to contact me by email jennifervn@monte.k12.cou.us or by phone (719)852-2212 ext. 6206
- Teacher: Jenny Noonan

Welcome to the 4th grade math class. You will be able to login on Odysseyware.
I am Mrs. Noonan, your 4th grade teacher.
Please feel free to contact me by email jennifervn@monte.k12.cou.us or by phone (719)852-2212 ext. 6206
- Teacher: Jenny Noonan
This course will provide sixth grade students with skills related to
history, geography, civics, and economics. We will primarily be
studying the Western Hemisphere. Second semester will focus on civics and economics.
- Teacher: Jenny Noonan