We still have tickets available for the Capitol tour, Let Mr. Huff know soon if you would like to join the group of students attending this fun event!
Day at the Capitol
Wednesday, February 4th, All Day
Join Mr. Huff and Mr. Dawson on a field trip to the capitol building in Denver! A bus will transport students and parents from Monte Vista, leaving early in the morning and returning the same evening. Anyone living between Monte Vista and Denver, on the I-25 corridor may be eligible for pick-up. Participants will take part in morning activities at the Colorado History Center, followed by a show of support for online education at the capitol building with lunch provided by the event's sponsor, the Colorado Coalition of Cyberschool Families. A tour of the capitol building will occur in the early afternoon and we'll stop at the Pueblo Mall for dinner on the way home. Contact Mr. Huff if you are interested as soon as possible, but by January 29,
Here is a short video from the event's sponsor: