Dear 8th-11th grade OLA & Delta social studies students,
have been invited to participate in a national survey about political
views prior to the upcoming November elections, in which the next US President will be chosen alongside many other national, state and local political office holders.
The survey is being conducted by a group called NRCCUA (National
Research Center for College & University Admissions) which will
provide us data showing how our school population views current issues
based on survey responses. NRCCUA will also link students to colleges
that may be of interest to you. Completion of the survey will likely be
followed by receipt of materials from colleges, including application,
admissions, and possibly scholarship info based on your responses to
questions about your college plans in general that are also found on the
Participating in the survey will take 15-20 minutes and is optional. For those who choose to participate, you may choose to skip one social studies assignment in exchange for taking part in this activity.
(Take a screenshot when you have finished the survey and send it to Mr
Huff, note that big projects are not eligible to skip but most other
assignments will be approved as skippable for participation in this
A little more on what to expect:
- A main part of the survey will ask about your views on current issues,
whether you feel our country is heading in a positive/negative
direction, which current issues are most important to you, and how you
would vote if you could vote in the November presidential election and
chose to do so. These results will be tallied and shared with us, which
will provide an interesting glimpse into our school community's
feelings on current issues.
- Another part of this survey will ask you about your plans for college education
after high school. This part of the survey is meant to provide
information to you regarding colleges and scholarships that might fit
your personal plans. It is important to note that completing the survey will automatically opt you into receiving information from colleges, including application and scholarship info. You can opt out of this at any time after taking the survey.
Here is the link to the survey which needs to be completed by November 1st at the latest:
Remember to send me a screenshot showing your
completion of the survey and let me know the assignment you would like
to skip. Thank you, it will be fun to see the results that are
Mr Huff