9-28-2020 - Get out and see some Fall colors this week!!
As a staff, we meet bi-weekly to look at the progress of all our OLA students. It is GREAT to see the majority of our MVOLA students are successfully engaging in the program and producing great results. Keep it up!
Galileo reminder - Galileo has been assigned. There are a total of three assessments that students need to complete. These are graded as a participation grade. That means, when you take it, you get a 100% for participating. Please let Counselor Dave know if you have any problems logging in or completing the assessments.
The following is a message/reminder to all secondary students grades 9-12.
Academic Planning-- to graduate from OLA, a student must successfully pass a minimum of 24 credits to include:
4 English
3.5 Social Studies (at least 2.5 must come from US History and Government combined, and must include .5 credit personal financial literacy)
3 Math (4 recommended for college bound students)
3 Science (4 recommended for college bound students)
1 Computer/Technology Skills
1 Physical Education
8.5 additional core or electives to meet the 24 credit graduation requirement (2 credits of the same Foreign Language recommended for college bound students)
Student Grade Level Classification (9-12 grade)
Freshman (9th grade) 0 - 4.75 credits
Sophomore (10th grade) 5 - 11.75 credits
Junior (11th grade) 12 - 16.75 credits
Senior (12th grade) 17 - 24+ credits
MVOLA graduation path is approved by the Monte Vista School Board. It is important to be aware of your graduation requirements and the progress you are making toward this exciting accomplishment.
We are proud of our MVOLA students and all their hard work.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Johnson
(Edited by Jenny Noonan - original submission Monday, 28 September 2020, 7:55 AM)