Welcome to the start of Week 3.

News from our school board. Dr. Orlando DeHerrera is one of Monte Vista School Board Members. He put together a video that helps explain the “WHY” for wearing face coverings/masks. Please take the time to watch the short video below by clicking on the Dr. Orlando link below.
We have been greatly impressed with the work and dedication our students have been showing up to this point. Keep up the good work.
Teachers at OLA will be starting to enter zeros this week for work that was assigned to students during week one. If you see a zero that you don’t understand, please contact your teacher. Also, just as a reminder...zeros are a notification to you that an assignment has been missed. You can always make up the work and get the zero replaced with a grade. It may be necessary to email your teacher and let them know you did the assignment so they can fix the grade.
All classes are up and running (including Foreign Language classes). Please let us know if you are having any issues with your classes. Also, please make sure you have signed up for two electives by contacting Counselor Dave at davidd@monte.k12.co.us.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Johnson