Last Week of the School Year!
Medano Creek at its highest flow of the year. Pic by NPS Ranger Patrick Myers, May 16, 2019.
Congratulations everyone, we've made it to the last week of the school year! Thank you to everyone who attended Saturday's graduation ceremony. This year we estimate 400 people attended commencement, and both the DELTA and OLA valedictorians gave phenomenal speeches. A huge shout out to our 2019 graduates! We all wish you the best in your next life chapters! Because you're all amazing, we all have much hope for the future for you and for the world! For those awaiting their diplomas, mortar boards, and tassels by mail, we hope to get those mailed out today or tomorrow!
Please remember that all student work is due to teachers by the end of the day Wednesday. This gives teacher their last two days (Thurs. and Fri.) to get their grading done, gradebooks up to date, and records submitted to the registrar. Report cards will be mailed out next week!
For 7th - 12th graders, here is the link for the summer program handout: OLA Summer Program Handout
Here is the link to sign up for taking a core class or two during the summer program: OLA Summer Program Sign-up
Thank you all for the honor of serving OLA the last six years (four years as an English teacher, the last two years as principal). I will never forget my experiences serving the families of OLA! I wish everyone the best in the future, and my successor Mrs. Sparks-Johnson will be contacting everyone over the summer using a variety of channels (mailings, emails, phone calls, etc.).
Have an awesome, safe summer vacation! Here's a link to next year's calendar: 2019-2020 Calendar