Welcome to the Start of Week 7 of the Spring Semester!
MVOLA Staff & Families Participating in Day At The Capitol (DATC), February 22, 2019!
A huge thank you to Mr. Huff for sponsoring another annual Day At The Capitol (DATC) field trip! Not only is DATC an outstanding social studies experiential learning opportunity, it is a genuine experience in civic duty. DATC is organized by multi-district online schools around the state to show support and gratitude toward our state legislators who support online choices to conventional brick & mortar schools. On behalf of the staff of OLA, thank you to Mr. Huff, Mr. Haddican, and all of the OLA parents and students who participated in this year's DATC! For an album of pictures collected by Mr. Huff on Friday, click on this sentence.
No other major announcements other than to gently remind everyone that including this week, we only have three weeks left in the third quarter. To make it on third quarter progress reports, all work will need to be submitted to teachers by 4:00 pm, Thursday, March 14 (the start of Spring Break!).
Thank you! Have a great week! - Mr. Wright