OLA Students, Parents, and Staff,
Congratulations on reaching the end of fall semester! We've made it! Today is the last day of classes!
The Monte Vista School District Superintendent and School Board surprised district staff with a bonus: staff and students have an early release today (this means that all Monte Vista School District staff and students are allowed to leave and start their vacations at 1 pm today).
Because several weeks ago I communicated that we would accept work up to 4 pm today, this will remain OLA's deadline for getting work turned in; however, please be aware that teachers will not be available after 1 pm. Also, please be aware that I have explained to teachers that all student work that is received by 4 pm today will be graded by January 8, 2018, and that final grades are due to me on January 8, 2018.
For many students who completed their coursework a week or more early, not only did they receive an additional 5% on their final grade, they also know what their grade is before leaving for break. For students who turned in work up to the deadline, final grades will not be known until report cards are mailed home in January. This is one more incentive to complete work long before the end of the term procrastination crunch. If work was turned in this week through today, this is understandable, but please also understand that the work may not be graded or show up on the final grade until early January. Thank you to everyone for understanding.
The afternoon of January 8, 2018, after submitting final grades, teachers will move students from their "A" classes to their "B" classes (with some exceptions). The morning of January 9, 2018, is our first official day back for students, the start of spring semester. That morning, all students should be able to access their new semester classes and begin working!
THANK YOU everyone for working so hard to make this semester a success!
On behalf of all the OLA staff, we wish everyone a safe and outstanding winter break! See everyone "next year"!
-Mr. Wright