- Are you involved in a work study position (a current job) in which you would like to earn elective class credit for your work study time?
- Are you a junior (11th grader) or senior (12th grader) interested in finding, interviewing for, and participating in an internship that could help you prepare for a career?
- If you answered yes to either of these questions, please continue reading below (or read the attached PDF document), and then email Mr. Wright letting him know you'd like more information (kevingw@monte.k12.co.us).
Internships are typically short-term work assignments related to your career interests. Completing an internship is an excellent way to develop the hands-on skills and professionalism needed for a successful transition into a job. Below, you'll find information on what exactly an internship is, why you should complete one, strategies for finding a great internship opportunity, and things you should be aware of when completing an internship.
Student Responsibilities
- Approach internships in a professional manner that is guided by courtesy, a desire to learn, and a willingness to receive feedback for improvement.
- Act in a responsible and appropriate manner during your internship.
Earning Class Credits during the Internship
- Students can earn up to 2 elective credits per year (3 total during high school).
(Edited by Dirk Oden - original submission Monday, 23 January 2017, 9:44 AM)
(Edited by Dirk Oden - original submission Tuesday, 7 February 2017, 1:49 PM)